The Company You Keep BTS and Interviews

Director: Robert Redford
Main Cast: Robert Redford, Shia LaBeouf, Julie Christie
Release Date: 2013-07-19
Age Rating: 7 L
Runtime: 120 mins. / 2 h 0 m

Jim Grant (Robert Redford) is a civil rights lawyer and single father raising his daughter in the tranquil suburbs of Albany, New York. His world is turned upside down, when a brash young reporter named Ben Shepard (Shia LaBeouf), exposes Grant's true identity as a former 1970s antiwar radical fugitive wanted for murder. After living for more than 30 years underground as a lawyer, Grant must now go on the run. He is the centre of a nationwide manhunt and with the FBI in hot pursuit, he sets off on a cross-country journey to track down the one person that can clear his name.