Bakgat 3 BTS and Interviews

Director: Stefan Nieuwoudt
Main Cast: Ivan Botha, Cherie van der Merwe-Coetzee, Altus Theart, Danie Putter, Neil Sharim
Release Date: 2013-09-06
Age Rating: 6 D,S,V
Runtime: 101 mins. / 1 h 41 m

Our favourite rugby hero, Wimpie Koekemoer, and his crazy friends are back on screen for the third instalment of the Bakgat!-trilogy. The newly engaged Wimpie and Katrien move to England with stars in their eyes after a British club gives Wimpie a contract to play rugby, but fame and riches hardly falls in one's lap. Their apartment is hardly a mansion and Wimpie's teammates give him a hard time from day one.