Title AKA: The Magic Reindeer: Saving Santa's Sleigh Director: Kari Juusonen, Jørgen Lerdam Writer(s): Kari Juusonen, Marteinn Thorisson, Hannu Tuomainen Producer(s): Antti Haikala, Hannu Tuomainen, Emely Christians, Sonja Matthes, Moe Honan, Anders Mastrup Main Cast: Erik Rosener, Lucy Ebert
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family Release Date: 2024-12-06 Age Rating: A Runtime: 85 mins. / 1 h 25 m Release Status: Complete
Niko is a reindeer with a big dream: he wants to join Santa’s flying team! But along the way, he faces lots of challenges that lead him on an exciting adventure to save Christmas. As he travels, Niko learns how important friendship is and discovers that it’s okay to be himself.